Hauser copyrights 2013
In Stock Timber Frame Kits
Hauser Timber Frames & Wood Products is known for its traditional joinery craftsmanship and custom post and beams. We provide affordable and beautiful timber frames. We will work with you to custom design and build timber frames of any size.

Traditional Kit 1
24' by 24' with 10 or 12 pitch roof
This kit comes with pre-cut, planed, and numbered timbers; mortise and tenon joinery; 5" X 7" dovetailed purlins and floor joists; and braces. All joints are fully housed.
10" x 8" Posts
10" X 6" Girts
Traditional Kit 2
36' x 24'
Hybrid Kit 3
24' by 24' with 10 or 12 pitch roof
This kit is timber frame on the first floor only, with conventional rafters on 16" centers. The floor joists are not dovetailed.​
Hybrid Kit 4
24' x 36'